On telling my wife I was intending to start a newsletter she forewarned me to expect about five percent of people to actually read it. So, with that in mind, hello to both of you.
Her other advice was to say something about myself. That's one of the reasons I didn't have a newsletter in the first place. I'm uncomfortable talking about myself. In real life and online. That's because my life is not exactly crammed full of derring-do but mostly due to shyness.
I'm definitely an introvert. Probably not great at parties. Unlikely to be called upon to make a speech. Having said that I did a talk to a large tent full of kids at the Hay Festival and a parent declared it to be the best they had ever attended. So I can turn on the showbiz when required. If showbiz means drawing a frog with my eyes closed (a big hit with the kids, they found it hilarious) and making obscure puns about pens and mathematicians.
More about me: I grew up in the small town of Kippax near Leeds in the north of England. I loved to read and draw, although I was a little late to reading. I remember a teacher raising my slow reading with my parents at Infants school. I began to catch up, discovered the delights of the local library and didn't look back. I went to art school in Liverpool (Polytechnic, now John Moore's University) to study graphic design and illustration. I made a comic for my degree project and keep making more.
I live in Worcester with my wife, Phil (Philippa) and daughter, Clara (who would normally have been revising for her A levels around now). Phil is a museum professional and Clara wants to study medicine at university. They are both very smart and capable people.
While I may not be smart and capable I have been keeping busy drawing, writing, website-building, dealing with publishers, and now writing a newsletter.
My newsletter: It's like a blog but with more news.

I have over a hundred pages of comics and dozens of behind the scenes sketches at my patreon

I created a short story about the current situation which you can read for free here

I gave my site a much needed re-vamp. Check it out here

My middle grade graphic novel is out July 7th from Random House Graphic

My graphic novel is coming out from Top Shelf November 17th

I’ve added a bunch of orginal comic pages to my store

Most of my back list is available as a download
In the meantime, tell your friends!